End of the year. I'll no longer post here until 3 Jan, tomorrow morning I'm leaving for Vama Veche (seaside). I'm very excited, 4 days to make some new friends, 4 long days for photography.
I wish you all a Happy New Year!
sâmbătă, 29 decembrie 2007
Joy of light
Fiintele din intuneric
joi, 27 decembrie 2007
Intinde mainile spre lumina
marți, 25 decembrie 2007
Low Key inspiration
Merry Christmas!
sâmbătă, 22 decembrie 2007
Sleep my hero, sleep
Sleep my hero; I have a bed for you. Let me take your sword and put it on your grave. You need to rest for another battle comes, this time will be in heaven. Don't be afraid, as long as the fire will burn at your head you will defeat any enemy. I'll be with you, deep in your heart. Now sleep my hero, sleep.
Picture taken at Marasesti Mausoleum, Romania
miercuri, 19 decembrie 2007
Any second now
Se apropie cu pasi repezi sarbatorile de iarna. Va urez asadar un Craciun fericit!, sper sa stiti sa il savurati, sa il intelegeti si sa va bucurati de el. Celor de traditie veche le doresc de asemenea un Yule fericit, fie ca zeii sa va dezmierde sufletele cu lumina lor inca o data.
Merry Christmas in advance! And of course for those of you who are celebrating on 22 Dec, Merry Yule! Blessed Be!
marți, 18 decembrie 2007
Middle Ages
It doesn't matter how old is the road as long as it keeps changing your life. Each time I want a clear path in front of my eyes there's only mud or snow. But this time I like it just the way it was, hard but also full of meaning. One image and I stopped the time. There was no sound, no people behind or in front of me. Maybe I wasn't there, and it was only a dream. Regardless of that, after all that struggling I once more saw the Middle Ages.
duminică, 16 decembrie 2007
Ferestre si pereti verzi
vineri, 14 decembrie 2007
joi, 13 decembrie 2007
Building the future
Outside it’s cold, the fog is spreading towards the city, but this doesn't seam to matter, they're still working to build your future. As our population grows bigger and bigger every day, they aren't aloud to stop, this is the price for our progress. Maybe we take a vacation but for us to feel good in our free time hundred of people have to work. But what if we would stop for a moment? What then? No plane in the sky, no electricity, no phone calls. Our so called modern world could turn into a disaster, we can’t afford that. So please keep working, for our future to be worst than it is now.
miercuri, 12 decembrie 2007
Intre rai si zid
luni, 10 decembrie 2007
Nu e chiar asa
Am citi azi un articol interesant legat de fotografie, la unul dintre subpuncte spunea sa incerci sa surprinzi atomosfera zonei in care stai, care desi pt tine pare banala pt un altul poate parea exotica. Am incercat sa fac si eu un asemena cadru, desi nu stiu daca cineva ar putea gasi exotica o asemenea imagine. Aceiasi brazi, aceleasi lumini de zeci de ani in aproape fiecare tara dupa glob. Oamenii sunt facuti sa traiasca cu limite, cu reguli bine puse la punct, sa li se spuna ce sa faca. De Craciun nu vor face altceva decat sa se conformeze unei traditii pe care nici macar nu o cunosc asa cum ar trebui. Sarbatori al naibii de fricite! (apropo imi definiti si mie fericirea?)
duminică, 9 decembrie 2007
Christmas preparation
PS: Of course I will have greetings for pagans too, for Yule comes earlyer than Christmas.
vineri, 7 decembrie 2007
Altered reality
joi, 6 decembrie 2007
Nostalgie in lumini si umbre
marți, 4 decembrie 2007
Si mie mi se face dor
In imagine - Tiffin Boys.
duminică, 2 decembrie 2007
Fosile si galaxii
sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2007
Chitara, poti sa taci!
Chitara, poti sa taci!